Adoption Thoughts

I keep waiting, hoping I’ll have something wonderful to share. So far, very little has changed in our case. BUT, there is something…

I confess…there are moments when I’ve wanted to quit. It is just hard, sometimes. I’ve even questioned my Father, “Are you sure this is what you want for us?” Questions fill my mind. Why? Why is it taking so long? When? When we will hear good news? What? What is our agency doing? I look at those big, brown eyes and my heart breaks, again. Tears flow freely and frequently.

I’m learning to give thanks in all things. Not to just “look for the silver lining” but to give thanks even when it looks like nothing good is happening. I’m not there yet! But I know that my Father is good and all that He does is good. He is the giver of all good things.

We’ve been doing a lot of research on other families with cases similar to ours. Recently, we learned that 5 families were able to complete their adoptions even though their kids were from the same region as ours. We sent all the info to our agency and they talked directly to the agencies involved. We’ve been able to have some good conversations with our agency in WA state and also with our Ethiopian rep. We are hoping and praying that the precedent set by these families will extend to us. It isn’t much, but it is something. No matter how small, it is something.

Keep praying. Hopefully, K and M will be home soon.

~ Regina

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3 Responses to Adoption Thoughts

  1. Regina – Reading your post brings back so many emotions from our adoptions. I completely understand where you are coming from and believe me, when all is said and done, you will marvel at God’s plan for your family. We have 3 amazing boys who all came into our lives in more amazing ways. It is completely worth all the waiting and worries. Your story will be just as amazing and miraculous. Hang in there and it will all fall in place. ~ Lisa Bechtel


    • Choosingjoynow says:

      Thanks for the encouragement Lisa. I know His plan is better than mine. I have learned so much about myself through this process. The amazing truth is that regardless of the pain and disappointment (and there has been much of both along the way), I encourage as many people as possible to adopt. The desire to adopt was placed in my heart before we married and that seed has grown. Adoption is amazing. Just the tiny part I’ve experienced so far has been life-changing.


      • I agree. I’m so passionate about adoption even with all it’s ups and downs. I try to encourage anyone I can to get involved and help a child have a family. Every journey is so different and I love hearing other families stories. I was so upset for so many years that we could not have children, but now that I look back, God has brought me so much joy through our children and we have a story that only God could put together. I will be praying for you and for the children you are longing to have. God is good all the time.


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